We have an awesome opportunity in front of us...something to help make the Better Detroit Youth Movement (BDYM) more than just another non-profit group in the city...and YOU can help make that BIG difference!
One of our BDYM members, Sampson Cunningham, made a pitch at the last BDYM group meeting for people to help him create a video about Detroit.
See Post: Volunteer Opportunity: Need Volunteers to Help Create a “Positive Detroit” Video
He wants to capture some of Detroit's history, but he also wants to capture perspective of how Detroit is today...good and bad. He especially wants to gather feedback from Detroit's youth. (Remember, we ARE the Better Detroit YOUTH Movement.)
This can be a great learning opportunity, but it represents something even more important than that.
This video could be a fantastic way to shape how many people see the City of Detroit. You see, many people throughout the nation--and even the world--think that Detroit is beyond repair. The City is a punchline to way too many jokes, and that not only hurts our image, but it also hurts Detroit's chances to complete its recovery.
I even have a friend who lives in London express shock over the fact that Detroit was much better than he thought. No, he is not looking to move here from London, but the way he expressed his observations was something like, "Based on everything I heard, I expected it to be like Al Capone with shooting every which way."
Needless to say, he did not find an Al Capone-like environment here in Detroit.
Don't get me wrong. We realize that there are lots of problems, but many outsiders who come to visit find themselves quite surprised. (Most of them are coming for potential investment opportunities since many things here are so cheap.)
We can help put together a video that reaches those other people who are too terrified to come visit Detroit. We can show that there IS hope...there IS something good happening, and they might want to consider being part of it.
If we help Detroit look good, we might be able to encourage more people to spend money here. While that will not solve every problem Detroit has, it definitely will make it easier to solve many problems.
We need help putting together a great video about Detroit. How would you like to be part of the solution?
This is a great post, I am looking forward to to offer whatever help you can use